I wore my Vanilla~Chan set to a recent Oregon Lolita meet! I've never really posted "small" meet photos on my journal before, so I guess I'll take a sort of Daily Lolita approach! Most of these photos have been posted elsewhere, but a few of them are brand new ones that haven't been released publicly~☆
I really looove my cat scarf that my friend Victoria made! The kitten is white, and goes well with the cats in the Vanilla Chan series!!
This was my full outfit!~
Accessory shots have always been one of my favourite things!!
Me and one of my best friends, Jenna! Doesn't she look so cute with her circle lenses?!
❤ Our outfits together!!❤
A candid shot one of the photgraphers took!! We both look soo happy!!
(Photo © Cristina Coppinger)
Another candid of us looking through our own photos!
(Photo © Cristina Coppinger)
What can I say, I love to climb trees!
And like most lolitas, I LOVE macaroons! They're pretty much the best, especially when they're Passion Fruit!!
I like burgers sometimes too, which probably isn'y very lolita! u_u
I really liked this one of myself! I look horrid in most candid shots, so I was surprised I managed to look like a normal human being in this one.
(Photo © Cristina Coppinger)
Overall, the meet was really fun! We went to the Portland Chocolate Fest. I think it was the 3rd or 4th annual lolita choco fest meet! It's always so fun every time!
What kind of local meets do you girls have??~☆
(All photos in post © Jenna Glenn unless otherwise noted.)
You look soo cute!!! <3 I love how you coordinate pink boots with that dress,gorgeous!
@MisVermilion Awee I wish, but thank you!!
I was going to wear blue shoes at first, but then my friend suggested pink would be much better, so I wore the pink boots instead!! :3
So cute dear! I am thinking of getting this print too, but I know I wont be a cute as you. The scarf goes great!
I wish I had more meet ups that I knew of in my area
@KittyDragon Wow, thank you!!
But that's not the case at all! I'm positive you'll look quite lovely!! <3 You should deffinitaly get it. what colour were you interested in??
Oh! Where do you live? We don't have so many meetups anymore either. :(
I am still working up my courage to go to one of the Portland meets-I live right in Beaverton but am super-shy when it comes to meeting new people.
Sooooo fabulous! Your coord is soooo cute cute cute!
@Rei Oh whaaat! Just come!! There's nooo reason to be afriad at ALL!! XD <3 Everyone will lkove you. :3
@Lena Awee what, well thank you! I'm super glad you think so * 3* <3
I think you look super darling with mint x pink, vanilla-chan really suits you!
I fell in love with your bunny muffler, so adorable! and I love the personal touch you gave the outfit with the "not-a-staple-lolita" boots :D
I love candid shots, my favorite is when the too of you are laughing, you both look adorable ^^
@Hanabira Awee, well thank you so much! That's really sweet of you to say, I'm so glad you like my outfit! My friend in the photos gave me the idea to wear me boots! n_n
Haha, usually I look HORRIBLE in candid shots, but that one is sooo funny! >_<
Thank you again <3
Passion Fruit macrons are my absolute favorite. I love the sweet mild flavor of the almond cookie paired with the tart flavor of the passionfruit jelly. Soo Yummy!
They're nice photo's of you and I LOVE the second one that looks a bit like a drawing of you, it's gorgeous! Do you mind if I use the image in one of my blog posts? I won't until I hear back from you.
vaya, si que hay mucho rosa aquì.
pensè que iba a ver màs prendas hippie's (como se ven en Chictopia). bueno!
lindos tus zapatos vaqueros en brown 'n turchoise son unas beauties'.
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